Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stop Fighting

Arguing with your spouse will not bring about the peace you crave in your marriage and life.  
Check out these articles about what to avoid when fighting with your husband/wife to make it a "fair" fight. Healthy fighting and communication is necessary in order for you to grow closer to one another and to learn in your relationship. Read the articles and leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

The Gottman Institue Relationship Blog: Specifically, read about the Four Horsemen

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Introducing Journey to Intimacy

Journey to Intimacy is a way to re-introduce the spark back into your marriage. 
It's a fun and healthy activity for married couples to engage in that will encourage emotional and physical intimacy. 

Currently this activity is in the beta phase of development, and we need your feedback on how to proceed! Once you start your Journey to Intimacy with your spouse let us know what you would like for us to create next.

The options to proceed with are the following:
1. Complete the first level of the activity (which consists of 7 separate 1 hour long expeditions)
2. Skip the game/point format and record 4 adventures into the forest of physical and emotional intimacy. Each adventure will be designed to be listened to and used at least 3 times a week, each week will build on itself. Basically we will take the bonus activity and turn it into and audio adventure.
3. Take the booklet and turn it into a workbook complete with all the emotional intimacy exercises. 

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with the tools for the first expedition of the activity. Visit the Audio Download page in order to download the game. If you are curious as to what the game entails before you try it, there is a transcript towards the bottom of the page of the entire first expedition.
On the main page of this site, we will update you with the progress on future expeditions of this activity, asking you for your feedback, and we will also be posting marriage tips and tricks!

Follow this blog by Google Plus or by entering your email on the sidebar and pressing submit.

Thank you!
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