Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 11:08 AM with No comments

We all know men and women are different. But one thing I think we sometimes forget is the difference in communication between men and women. As a woman I sometimes get frustrated because my husband doesn’t express his feelings and always tries to “fix” my problems.   In order to improve emotional intimacy it’s important to understand some of the differences between men and women in communication so you can try to adapt your communication to the opposite sex.
These traits are not completely true for all men or women, but in general they show the difference in communication style. Understand that there is a difference in communication can help with more effective communication with your spouse.

·         Communication is a tool to enhance social connections and create relationships.
·         Communication is used to create and foster an intimate bond.
·         Women use more expressive and polite language.
·         Value cooperation
·         Less clear focus.
·         Seek empathy and understanding when there is a problem.

·         Goal-oriented, define sense of self by their ability to achieve results.
·         Use language to exert dominance and achieve tangible outcomes.
·         Value independence.
·         Self-assertive and view conversation as a means towards a tangible outcomes.
·         Offer a solution when problem arises.

 Husbands- when you talk to your wife try to understand and understand her emotions. Try lending a listening ear when she has a problem instead of trying to just offer a solution. Of course offer a solution if she asks for one.  Understand that to your wife conversations are a way to build your relationship.
Wives- Understand that with your husband sometimes shorter is better. When your husband offers a solution to a problem he is trying to help, because he cares. In normal conversation you may not see a lot of emotion or empathy don’t take that as “he doesn’t care.”
I give you a challenge for this week, try and modify your communication style to better fit the needs of your spouse. 

Photo Credit: Jon Leask Photography