Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 5:49 PM with No comments

Communicating about sex is in an important aspect of physical intimacy.  It can sometimes be uncomfortable subject to bring up or talk about, but taking the time to talk about sex can bring peace and a greater ability to have a better experience with your spouse. Some people think that it ruins the mood to use verbal communication while you make love.  Couldn't be further from the truth.  If it feels good tell your spouse.  If it hurts tell your spouse.  Nothing kills the mood faster than pain.   The presence of open communication about sex brings both sexual and overall satisfaction in a relationship.

Here some simple ideas to help when communicating about sex:

 ·       Set apart a comfortable environment to talk about sex.
·         Find an appropriate time, when both parties are calm and ready to engage in conversation.
·         Be open-minded, your spouse may have some really great suggestions.
·         Be honest, it’s important to be honest with your spouse about your feelings and preferences.
·         Don’t attack or blame your spouse. When talking about a subject that is touchy and very personal it’s important not to place blame or attack.
·         Ask questions: Ask for your spouse’s opinion, it can help open up the conversation.

·         Be respectful. Nothing is more important that respect when talking about sex with your spouse. 

Photo credit to: David Castillo Dominici