What I Learned In My First Year of Marriage

Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 1:53 PM with No comments
Jen from the blog T & Me just hit her one year anniversary on June 9th and shared some wisdom on her blog of what she has learned from her first year of marriage :)

1. Teamwork
You always need to remember that you and your husband are on the same team. You have the same goals. You want the same things in life. So don't try to be a winner. You are on the same team!

2. Date Nights
This is a very important thing. Even though Tony and I still spend a lot of time together at home, we need to get out and do stuff. We go to the movies (mostly dollar movies), we get dinner, go shopping, sight seeing, long drives, basically anything where we can get out and have a formal date.

3. Hold Hands in Public
Tony and I notice a lot of older couples who never hold hands when they are out. I think this is a really important thing because it helps you feel more connected to your spouse. It is simple, but makes a difference.

4. Don't Pee With the Bathroom Door Open
Your husband wants to look at you as a beautiful woman, not a chick squatting on the toilet. Keep it classy ladies!

5. Say 'I Love You' Everyday
 I always make it a priority to say I love you when one of us leaves the house, in the morning, right before bed, and all the little times he does something sweet for me.

6. Pick Your Battles
Don't be crazy about the tiny things. Are they worth getting into fights? Remember why you married him and let it go!

7. Forgive
Even if you are wrong, forgive. Holding onto those bad feelings will only create a barrier in your marriage.

8. Don't Talk Bad About Your Husband to Other People...Ever
Even if you think you are venting, just don't do it. People will remember the bad things you say. You don't want them questing your husband or your marriage! If you have problems, keep them between you and your spouse. {Or take it to prayer or a family therapist!}

9. Laugh
Laugh a lot. Watch funny movies, crack jokes, make each other laugh. Keep a positive attitude.

10. Birth Control
If you don't want babies right away, be very good a taking your birth control. Even if that means setting an alarm on your phone everyday and having your husband remind you. Nothing is worse than peeing on a stick, thinking that everything is going to change, and not being excited for it. {Don't worry, it was a false alarm}

11. Don't Forget Your Other Friends
You always hear that when people get married they fall off the face of the earth. I really tried hard not too do that. I didn't want to burn all those friendships just because I was married. It is good to have occasional girls night outs. Let your husband hang out with his friends {a decent amount}. You don't want everyone to think you have your husband on a tight leash.

12. Communicate
Talk! Talk through important decisions together. Tell each other about your day. Don't keep secrets.

Last, but definitely not least...

13. Have Sex
And lots of it! If I need to explain to you why this helps your marriage...well, you might want to look somewhere for that explanation.

There you have it! What I learned in my first year of marriage.
Jen Castagno
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