How to: Show Your Spouse Love and Support

Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 3:11 PM with No comments
Whether it's work, school, or new endeavors in life...your spouse needs to feel your love and support. With your added help they can rise to their full potential and reach their goals! Here are a few tips on how to help and show your support:

1. Ask 
Ask where they need some extra help, then do your best to fill in the gaps. If they are out of the house all day long, try to make life a little easier when they get home by washing their work shirts, preparing dinner, etc. This will help to show your spouse that you are a team and that you will do your best in helping them out.

2. Remind 
Remind them that they are loved and supported, doing this will help them in reaching their fullest potential in whatever goal they working towards. Whether this be thoughtful texts throughout the day, a welcoming hug when they return home, or spending quality time with your spouse.

3. Consistency
In reaching any goal, it takes endurance and consistency. Which means that you and your spouse are usually in it {school, work, etc} for the long haul. Make sure to make yourself available to your spouse so they know that they can depend on you when in a bind. 

How to you show your spouse love and support?