Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 8:18 AM with No comments

I sometimes find myself looking in the mirror thinking, “ugh this is pointless.” I pick things that I wish I could change about my body. We all have insecurities with our bodies. Nobody’s body is perfect, but that’s the perfection in it all. We are each given different bodies, and we should appreciate the differences. We need to be confident in the body we have in order to have the best possible sexual relations with our spouses.  After having a baby I had to learn to love my new body, stretch marks and all. After realizing the weight I put on from pregnancy wasn’t going anywhere I had to teach myself to feel comfortable in my own skin. We all hit points in our lives where we don’t feel attractive. Here are some things that can be done to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin:

                                                               LOOK AT YOURSELF NAKED IN THE MIRROR
 For me this was one of the most uncomfortable and awkward things to try. In order to have a positive body image we have to be able to look at ourselves naked.  Spend 1-3 minutes in front of the mirror naked, with no one around appreciating your body for what it is. The important part of this is truly appreciating your body, don’t nitpick or look for things you wish you could change. Instead embrace your body!
Our minds will believe whatever we feed it. If you find yourself thinking negatively about your body image. STOP! Stop the thought dead in its tracks; instead replace it with a positive thought about yourself.  As humans we tend to be harder on ourselves than we are on others. Don’t say something about yourself that you wouldn’t tell a friend about their appearance.  It’s time to give ourselves a break.
It’s amazing what being nice to others can do for your self-confidence.  Reaching out to others and making them feel better about themselves will in turn make you feel better about yourself.
 Just the act of smiling makes you feel better.  The old saying “fake it to you make it” really applies here. When you smile, even if it’s not sincere at first you will notice that you start to actually be happy. 
There needs to be an understanding that the pictures you see in the media are not real; no one has a body that perfect. Sexual relations are also exaggerated and we shouldn’t try to live up to this impossible standard. Once we stop comparing ourselves to what we see in the media we will be able to better appreciate our own body.