Relieve Stress As a Couple

Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 2:34 PM with No comments
With all of the technology available to us today it seems to keep us more connected than ever. That could be considered a good and a bad thing. The good part being that we can catch up with family or friends whenever we'd like, the bad being that we miss out of the simple joys in life because we are so caught up in our phones. What can also come with being so technologically connected is that we are far more stressed than we ever were before. Constantly checking our to-do lists, responding to emails, and keeping up on our social media accounts. It's exhausting! Here are some different ways you can relieve stress and start to reconnect with your spouse sans technology:

+ Talk a walk outside {leave your phones at home} and talk about your day
+ Teach each other how to play a sport {teach him a tennis swing & her how to throw a football}
+ Hit the jacuzzi with some friends to catch up
+ Go on a mini-date to grab some frozen yogurt
+ Plan a low key BBQ together in which you invite friends and family
+ When you both come home from work, charge your phones in the other room and talk over dinner
+ Kiss him/her more! {Become intimate more often}
+ Take an impromptu trip to the pool/beach/lake
+ Take a cooking class or learn new recipes together
+ Focus on giving service to one another {i.e. making lunch before he goes to work, helping to do dishes, doing laundry, helping with the kids}
+ Go on a bike ride and explore new parts of your neighborhood

Do you have any other stress relieving ideas that work for you?
Leave them in the comments!
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