What I Wish I Would Have Known Before My Wedding Night Part 2

Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 7:15 PM with No comments

What I Wish I Would Have Known Before My Wedding Night
Part 2

The wedding night can be a big deal for some and not such a big deal for others. But either way, there is a lot that people wish they would have known before their wedding night. The following are suggestions that would be helpful to know ‘physically’ before your wedding night:


1. It is important to know how things work. Having a talk with a parent, or sibling beforehand might be helpful.

The more you understand the process of having sex the better prepared you will be when the time comes. Many people shy away from talking about intimacy but it is important to gain a good understanding beforehand. You can start by talking to a parent, sibling, or someone you trust, or another good suggestion might be to read a good educational book to better help you prepare.

2. For most women there is difficultly and pain for the first time and it might not be as easy as some people make it out to be.

Many women experience pain or discomfort the first time they have sex because their body is not used to it yet. The man might receive more pleasure than the woman the first time but it is important to remember that it won’t always be that way. The woman’s body will eventually adjust and the experience will become a lot better.

3. It is important to be familiar with the anatomy of your spouse.  

If you know nothing about the anatomy of your spouse, sex can be really difficult. If you’re not familiar then it can also make it hard to fulfill your partner’s needs.  To become familiar with the anatomy beforehand you can talk to someone, read an educational book, or any other form of research. Knowing more about your spouse’s body will make sex a better experience for both of you.

4. It takes time to make everything work, and it also takes some practice.

It takes time to make everything work. You definitely won’t have it down the first night. It is important to not be afraid to talk to each other. If something hurts say something. If something feels good say something. The more open you are with your spouse the quicker you will adjust. The most important thing both of you can do is to relax. The more practice, the better the experience!

5. It gets better as time goes on!

It is important to not give up if it doesn’t work out like you thought it would. It takes time and practice. It is important to start with what you know, you don’t need to rush. There is plenty of time to become a better sexual partner. These suggestions will hopefully calm your fears and give you some tips for your wedding night!

Photo By Exsodus