Intimacy After Baby Part 2: Emotional Intimacy

Posted by Lauren Nielsen on 11:56 AM with No comments

After the birth a baby emotional intimacy is especially strong. There is something about having a tiny precious human, which you as a couple created that brings a new form of closeness never experienced before. The baby brings a new sense of strength and understanding the relationship.  Instead of sexual activity love is expressed by showing commitment to the family.  After the birth of a child there is a lack of sexual activity that is natural so the mother can have time to physically heal. It is important to take this time to enjoy each others company and the joy of being new parents. Talk to each other about the fears and joys of being parents. While the baby is sleeping, take time to take care of yourselves, sometimes this just means having ten minutes to take a shower. And take care of your relationship. While you aren’t focused on physical intimacy, use the time to rekindle your love for one another, and your new found love for your baby. 

Photo Credit to: Lisa McDonald